As much as Eli loves his mom, he loves, loves, loves to work with his dad especially doing anything that has to do with Adam's pigeons.
When I am home on the weekends Eli likes to wear underwear (he thinks they are pretty cool cause they have cars on them and he is BIG in to any kind of car, truck or motorcycle) So on this day Adam decided that he wanted to mow the lawn really short and start getting it ready for winter (I hate when he does it because it looks horrible we now have the ugliest lawn on the block... well almost) As soon as Eli found out Adam was mowing the lawn he got all excited and said Oh Mine! and ran around to the garage to get his lawn mower.
It was the cutest thing to watch, I could not resist taking pictures. He would follow Adam where ever he would go with the lawn mower always following close behind and staying in the lines.
Until he decided that dad was going too slow so he passed him!
It's so cute. He wants to be just like his dad.
You are a cool dude!
He hardly had time to stop for a picture.