Tuesday, November 10, 2009

How fun it is to see Baby #3

I just had my 21 week ultrasound today.  It's always fun to see the baby.  We did not find out what the baby's  sex is so it will be a fun surprise in the delivery room.  We are grateful to learn however that all appears to be healthy and normal. 
This cute little thing looks to be a thumb sucker.

No cleft palate!

A cute little arm

A cute little leg and foot

The bottom of the foot and leg.  So cute.


Me and My Gang said...

OH how wonderful and special! I still don't know what it might be though. I kinda think it might be a boy, but just want to make something cute for a girl too. We can't wait to see that special person. Love you thanks for sharing!

Tina said...

Wow! You are so good. I'd never be able to wait to know the gender. Even now, not even pregnant I wonder what my next will be. I always love the ultrasound part of being pregnant. So exciting. Glad to know the baby looks good and she/he is healthy!

Lisa-Marie said...

Oooooh, I just love ultra sounds. Especially when everything checks out just as it should! I could never wait to find out the gender. That takes some willpower. I'd be sneaking a peek in the medical folder when no one was looking!

I LOVE your family pics by the way. Especially the one of you and Adam laying down with your heads by each other. GREAT shot.

Erin said...

I can't believe your waiting. I would be too curious. I'm glad everything looks good.

Rachel said...

So exciting! It's always such a relief when you know the baby is healthy! I'm so excited for you!