Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Joys of Raising A Boy.

So for christmas my sister in law gave us some of those rice bags that you warm up in the microwave that are sort of like a heating pad, this one had the big field corn in it. Well, Mandalyn and her friend threw one down the stairs and of course it broke open.
Eli was helping the girls pick the corn up and thought that he was so cool because he had found a new trick. He came to me and showed me how he could stick one up his nose. Of course I laughed cause it was pretty funny, we made him take it out and thought that was done. Pretty soon his nose was bleeding and sure enough he stuck a piece way up there, and of course it was in the evening after the doctor was closed and we didn't want to take him to the ER.
What to do? Then Adam remembered that our dentist was telling us that he uses his suction to clean out his kids sinuses when they are really sick. So, thank goodness our dentist is practically family. We called him and he sucked it out for us. Here are some pictures.

This picture is funny it looks like Adam is using this moment to grab a feel but I assure you he wasn't he was just trying to hold Eli's hands down.


Rachel said...

It's good to see a post from you! Poor Eli! I bet he won't be doing that again soon. I'm glad neither of my boys haven't stuck things up their noses yet!

Unknown said...

Sorry, but that is too funny! Poor Eli! Now he is going to be afraid of the dentist!!

Tara said...

Oh my goodness. This is what I have to look forward to?! I am glad you were able to get it out! And that picture does look kind of odd...lol. Poor little guy!

nellie rae said...

oh my goodness! i love that you captured this moment. and the funniest part about this is the picture where you are laughing. i totally can still hear your adorable laugh.

Anne Bennion said...

I hope you don't mind that I am commenting on your blog. I saw on facebook that you had updated your blog and decided to come check it out. Let me tell you, I loved this post. Those pics are hilarious. Boys always keep you on your toes!